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How to earn using ChatGPT (Best ways to generate passive income from AI)

With the launch of artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, came the fear of people losing their jobs. However, the reverse is the case, as you could use AI to your advantage and learn how to make money using ChatGPT.

In other words, employing AI to help you generate passive income by working smart to earn more is possible. Tools like ChatGPT are creating an easy entry route and eradicating the barriers to generating passive income streams online. 

With ChatGPT, you don’t need specialized knowledge or a lot of money to make money. It is exciting to explore the most effective ways to make money online using ChatGPT. 

Ready to get started? Read through our curated list of the best ways for you to make money using the smart algorithm. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate, you can use AI to your advantage and earn passively. Let’s begin.

8 Best Ways to Generate Passive Income from AI

With the current economic situation, everyone is looking for one way or another to increase their earning power. People rent their cars and apartments on Airbnb just to make extra cash. However, you need not put your properties up or go through such rigors to earn money when there are several ways on how to earn money with ChatGPT. Learn about them below:

1. Writing Blog Posts

It is widely acknowledged that to drive traffic to your website, convert the generated traffic into leads, and establish thought-provoking leadership content, you need to write blog posts on a regular basis. 

However, many consider writing as a challenging endeavor or even a waste of time. To write a good blog post, you would need to devote some time to researching the topic you wish to write about. All these can be done with ease now using a lesser amount of time with the aid of ChatGPT. 

Consider the step-by-step guide below on how to make money using ChatGPT as a writer:

Step 1: Setup a freelancing platform on Fiverr, Upwork, or a LinkedIn page

Step 2: Ask ChatGPT to help you write a page description for your service as a blog post writer. Endeavor to review and optimize with keywords

Step 3: Complete your account setup and verify your page

Step 4: After getting your first gig, use the AI to write a content outline, get ideas or write paragraphs. Always review, rewrite, and pass the plagiarism test. 

Step 5: Review the entire blog post and assess it with a reliable plagiarism checker before submission. 

Some Useful Prompts to Consider for Blog Writing on ChatGPT

When using ChatGPT, it is always recommended that you provide as much relevant information as possible. This will assist the algorithm in delivering the most beneficial details for your blog. Below are some suggested topics and prompts as examples:

  1. Hello ChatGPT, I have the topic, “The Rise of AI Writing: How Machine Learning Is Transforming Content Creation,” on which I would like to write a blog post. Kindly write a draft to explore the impact of AI writing platforms on content creation. Discuss their benefits, limitations, and how they’re changing the landscape for writers, marketers, and businesses. Limit the entire draft to five paragraphs. Ensure the draft is original and free of plagiarism. 
  2. I need you to assist me in writing a content outline for the topic “Choosing the Right AI Writing Tool: A Comprehensive Comparison.” You must compare popular AI writing platforms like OpenAI’s GPT-3, ChatGPT, and others. Evaluate their features, pricing, ease of use, and performance. Provide recommendations based on specific use cases. Ensure the content is free of plagiarism. 
  3. Can you help me write a creative blog post on the topic “Behind the Scenes: How AI Models Generate Text.” Ensure that you talk about the technical aspects of AI writing. Explain how neural networks work, the training process, and the fine-tuning of language models. Use examples to illustrate how AI generates coherent text. The entire draft should be limited to two pages and should be free of plagiarism.

Note that these are just ideas on how to use the artificial intelligence platform. You can always provide more instructions to assist the tool in writing an ideal blog post for you. Always read and refine before submission. 

2. Affiliate Marketing with AI

Affiliate marketing is a key component of modern-day digital marketing. In this type of marketing, a third party promotes a brand’s goods or services and receives set percentages of the sales or traffic generated by the promotion. Affiliate marketing benefits both the affiliate and the brand, as affiliates earn money by promoting products, and brands meet their marketing targets at a low cost. 

If you are looking for a way how to make money online using ChatGPT as an affiliate marketer, do not worry, as the process is simple. You can use digital media to curate the best market for affiliate marketing and identify profitable products. Also, affiliate marketers can benefit from ChatGPT by collating a list of the most reliable brands that offer great commissions. It can also help gain insights and utilize their customers’ preferences, pain points, interests, and behaviors. Let’s explore some useful prompts that can help you make money using ChatGPT below:

  • Help me create a listicle featuring the latest tech gadgets, smart home devices, or accessories. Highlight their benefits, features, and where readers can purchase them. Kindly add links to the products where possible. 
  • Write a detailed comparison between two similar products. Discuss their pros, cons, pricing, and user experiences. Include affiliate links to both products.
  • Develop a comprehensive guide for a specific product category (e.g., fitness equipment, kitchen appliances, skincare products). Explain how to choose the best options, consider budget, and make informed decisions.
  • Record an unboxing video or write a detailed review of a popular product. Share your personal experience, highlight unique features, and provide affiliate links for interested buyers.
  • I want you to help curate a list of exclusive discount codes or limited-time offers for specific brands or products. Encourage readers to take advantage of these deals using your affiliate links.

However, like every other business, Affiliate marketing using AI has merits and demerits. Learn about some of its pros and cons below: 


  • Opportunity to sell multiple products and services with ease
  • Flexible business model and lucrative rewards
  • Personalize recommendations for increased conversions
  • Create product descriptions and helpful reviews
  • Adjust price based on multiple variables


  • May not include context or emotions
  • Content could be too generic
  • Possible bias

Introducing BK8 Affiliate

If you are considering getting into affiliate marketing, BK8 offers one of the most rewarding programs on how to make money using ChatGPT. The popular gaming platform enables individuals to earn high commissions via referrals to its gaming products and services. Also, getting started is easy – simply click here to become a BK8 affiliate marketer today!

Why You Should Consider BK8 Affiliate?

With over 500,000 affiliate marketers working with BK8 online casino, there is no doubt concerning their reputation and reliability. However, below are the major reasons why BK8 affiliate marketing is highly recommended:

  • Seamless registration and integration
  • Commission as high as 45%
  • Exponential returns on ads investment
  • Specialized niche enabling high traffic and clicks
  • Exclusive affiliate coaching program
  • Access to support team

How does BK8 Affiliate work?

To become a BK8 affiliate, you have to register and get approved. Upon approval, you will get a customized affiliate link from the team. The link is what you attach to the advertisement you post. Once customers interact with the link and make a purchase, you earn up to 45% commission. On a monthly basis, BK8 affiliates send your accumulated commissions to your preferred banking account.

3. Automated Social Media Management

Many people believe that social media can be a lucrative source of income for individuals and companies alike. And this is very true. For businesses to have an efficient social media page that caters to their customers, they need to understand social media platforms, create engaging content, and manage the community they have there. This is where you come in and offer your services to earn big. 

With tools such as ChatGPT, you can make managing social media pages less tedious and even more efficient. Simply use AI to generate engaging and exciting social media posts, thereby saving you the time you would have spent brainstorming and writing copies.  Also, many social media managers use the algorithm to keep tabs on all interactions on your numerous social media pages using the bot. 

Even when you have numerous pages, ChatGPT is able to manage different tasks across each platform and help streamline operations with ease. Whether you are a social media manager or a business owner, you can use AI to increase productivity. For enhanced performance, you can also combine the use of ChatGPT with other AI tools, such as:

  • Canva
  • SurferSEO
  • FeedHive
  • Buffer


4. YouTube Channels

Another exciting means of generating income is having ChatGPT as your work companion. All you need is to set up a YouTube channel, which can be faceless or based on your experience. Regardless of your option, you must provide highly relatable and engaging content that the audience will interact with. This is where ChatGPT comes in. 

With the intelligent tool, you can make your YouTube channel successful in the following ways:

  • Content Generation: You can use AI-powered tools like GPT-3 to create high-quality content quickly. These tools can generate video scripts, outline ideas, and even suggest engaging content topics. By saving time on content creation, you can focus on other aspects of your channel.
  • Text-to-Speech (TTS): YouTubers can also use ChatGPT to generate voiceovers for Simply input your script, and the tool will convert it into natural-sounding speech. This is especially useful for narration or educational content.
  • Automated Video Editing: Ask ChatGPT to recommend free and effective AI-powered video editing tools for you. This can ease the process and get your jobs done faster. 
  • Monetization Strategies: Learn the best monetization strategies from ChatGPT and determine the pros and cons of the best affiliate marketing programs you can introduce to your funnels. 

5. Keyword Research

Are you a fan of conducting research? It is time to put your hobby into profitable use. Keyword research is simply scouting for and analyzing search terms that people have used to conduct online searches. 

Such research can help you understand users’ intentions, discover frequently asked questions, determine their popularity, and determine which questions you should target to attract relevant traffic. Your goal with this research is to utilize the data for search engine optimization. You can use ChatGPT’s readily available assistance to make keyword research easier and faster.

You can also offer your service as a freelancer or set up your LinkedIn page as a keyword researcher. This is because several brand owners and SEO experts do not have the time to commit to keyword research. So, they are willing to outsource the work out and pay a small fee. Below is a simple guide on how to use ChatGPT for keyword research:

Step 1: Understand the Purpose and clarify your goals. Are you looking for keywords to optimize your website content, improve SEO, or run paid advertising campaigns? Knowing your purpose will guide your research.

Step 2: Start with a list of seed keywords related to your topic or niche. These are broad terms that represent the main themes of your content.

Step 3: Engage with ChatGPT by providing a prompt related to your seed keywords. For example: “Generate long-tail keywords related to ‘healthy recipes.” or “Suggest keywords for my travel blog.”

Step 4: Review the keywords suggested by ChatGPT. Look for relevance, search volume, and competition. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to validate search volume and competition for each keyword.

Step 5: Focus on long-tail keywords, as they often convert better. For example, instead of “fitness,” consider “low-carb fitness tips for beginners.”

Step 6: Identify competitors in your niche. Use tools to analyze their websites and find keywords they rank for. For instance: “What keywords does my competitor ‘XYZ Fitness’ rank for?”

Step 7: Collate your findings and submit them to your clients to get paid. 

6. Providing Language Translation Services

AI truly makes life easier once you figure out how to use it optimally to your advantage and double down on how to earn money with ChatGPT. ChatGPT’s ability to speak just about all languages, understand grammar and syntax, and recognize contextual nuance makes it a perfect tool for providing language translation services. Use the guide below on how to make money using ChatGPT for translation service:

Step 1: Understand the principles of translation as source and target languages, cultural nuances, and context are important. 

Step 2: ChatGPT can assist with translation tasks by generating accurate and contextually relevant translations. Specify the source language and desired target language when interacting with ChatGPT.

Step 3: Decide which languages you want to specialize in. Consider demand, your proficiency, and your personal interest. You may want to focus on languages that are widely spoken or have specific business or cultural relevance.

Step 4: Use ChatGPT to practice translating sentences, paragraphs, or entire documents. Always pay attention to idiomatic expressions, grammar, and tone.

Step 5: Now, you should create a portfolio showcasing your language skills and experience. You can showcase directly on freelance platforms such as Upwork or cold email clients.

Step 6: Ensure that you deliver high-quality translations promptly. Communicate with clients to understand their needs. Gather your positive reviews and build on your reputation.

7. Developing Chrome Extensions and AI Tools

Do you know you can create Chrome extensions that improve your internet experience and make money from it? ChatGPT makes creating an extension easier, allowing you to create Chrome extensions based on different intended uses, such as summarizing articles or blog posts and even translating websites into different languages.

If Chrome extension development interests you, there are tons of materials available to guide you on how to use the ChatGPT API. If you master how to develop Chrome extensions very well, it can become a source of passive income for you as you can sell your extensions on the Chrome web store. 

Once you have created an extension, you can customize it for a specific brand and charge a monthly or annual fee for using it. If the extension is popular, you can earn a commission on each sale. Don’t just learn this particular approach on how to make money online using ChatGPT; take practical actions. 

8. AI-Driven Stock Trading

For those into finance and tech, here is a way on how to make money online using ChatGPT that will interest you. As you already know, stock trading can be very complex as it requires serious data analysis and predictions. Yet, in the spirit of working smarter, you can use the power of artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, and machine learning to analyze historical market and stock data. 

How? With ChatGPT, you can interpret the financial market, use data to predict price fluctuations, identify the logic behind such changes, and continuously monitor the dynamic market. More so, you can combine ChatGPT with other AI platforms to get the best insights in stock trading and make passive income. Check some top recommended AI tools for stock trading that can form a powerful combo with ChatGPT below:

  • Trade Ideas
  • TrendSpider
  • TradingView
  • Signal Track
  • Tickeron

Ready to start earning passive income with ChatGPT?

Affiliate marketing with BK8 is your easiest and one of the most lucrative options! Learn more here on how to get started.

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There a lot of affiliate marketing program available in the market. The important thing is you should always choose the best affiliate marketing program such as BK8 Affiliate that offer highest commissions to members and better features!

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